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BAM Calculator

App last updated: 13/04/2023 10:00 (Version:


3. Vegetation - disabled


The Biodiversity Offsets Payment Calculator (BOPC) was replaced by the BCF Charge System on 17 October 2022. The new BCF Charge System will now be used to determine the amount a proponent may pay into the BCF to meet a biodiversity offset obligation.

The Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) is responsible for administering the new charge system.
More information about the new charge system, including how to request a quote from the BCT, is available on the BCT website.


Although the Offsets Payment Calculator has been removed from this page, some users may still have access to the tool due to their browser settings. Any quotes that were generated after 11:59pm on 16 October 2022 will not be valid for the purposes of determining the amount to be paid into the BCF. The date and time of calculation found on the bottom left corner of the Offsets Payment Calculator will be used for verification.

Please visit "6. Credits" tab to get the credit classes