Environment Protection Authority

Notice to amend Management Order

(Section 44 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997)

Notice Number 20184403; Area Number 3221


The land to which this notice applies was declared as “significantly contaminated land” (declaration No. 21122) and has been the subject of a Management Order (order No. 20151402) issued by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to the Barangaroo Delivery Authority (BDA). The Management Order directed the recipient of the order to carry out contamination management.

Land to which this notice applies



Part Lot 5 and Part Lot 3 in Deposited Plan (DP) 876514, Hickson Road, Millers Point (this land is referred to as Blocks 4/5 by BDA).


Hickson Road, Millers Point

The part of Hickson Road adjacent to:

30 – 34 Hickson Road being Lot 11 DP1065410;

36 Hickson Road being Lot 5 DP873158 and Lot 12 DP1065410; and

38 Hickson Road being SP72797, Millers Point

(the above land is referred to as Hickson Road).



Hickson Road, Millers Point


The amendment to the Management Order is in response to a request from the BDA dated 18 December 2017 to revise deadlines for compliance with the actions due to complexities and constraints encountered during the remedial work.  The Management Order requirements and amended deadlines are as follows:


Management Order Requirement

Amended deadline


Complete Block 4 remediation works by March 2018.

May 2019


Prepare and submit Block 4 site validation report by June 2018.

August 2019


Complete Block 5 remediation works by March 2018.

January 2019


Prepare and submit Block 5 site validation report by February 2019.

February 2019


Complete Hickson Road remediation works by June 2019.

August 2020


Prepare and submit Hickson Road site validation report by December 2019.

December 2020


Submit a Site Audit Statement and Summary Report prepared by an EPA-accredited Site Auditor to the EPA for the completion of remediation works required under this order by January 2020.  

February 2021




11 March 2018



Director Contaminated Land Management

Environment Protection Authority



Information recorded by the EPA

Section 58 of the CLM Act requires the EPA to maintain a public record.  A copy of this notice will be included in the public record.

Information recorded by councils

Section 59 of the CLM Act requires the EPA to give a copy of this notice to the relevant local council.  The council may then make appropriate consequential modifications to the planning certificate issued in relation to the land to which this notice applies pursuant to s10.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Relationship to other regulatory instrument

This repeal notice does not affect the provisions of any relevant environmental planning instruments which apply to the land or provisions of any other environmental protection legislation administered by the EPA.


Previous regulatory instrument

As of 1 July 2009, all current declarations of investigation area and declarations of remediation site are taken to be declarations of significantly contaminated land, all current investigation orders and remediation orders are taken to be management orders and all current agreed voluntary investigation proposals and agreed voluntary remediation proposals are taken to be approved voluntary management proposals.