A NSW Government website

Clear and develop land

Resources to help developers understand how the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme applies to them.


In this section

The Biodiversity Offsets Scheme applies to a range of developments, land clearing and activities that meet certain thresholds.

The Biodiversity Values Map identifies land with high biodiversity value that is particularly sensitive to impacts from development.

Offset rules govern the types of biodiversity credits and other actions that can be used to meet an offset obligation. 

Learn more about serious and irreversible impacts, including criteria, determinations, and their effects on proposed developments.

Guidance for calculating impacts and area clearing thresholds, with considerations for native and exotic vegetation, lot sizes and development footprints.

Credit obligations required to meet the scheme standard of ‘no net loss’ are outlined in a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report. 

All projects should first avoid and minimise biodiversity impacts, and only then seek to offset the residual impacts to help protect biodiversity.

You need an accredited assessor to apply the Biodiversity Assessment Method and prepare a Biodiversity Assessment Report.

The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 allows for brokers to provide Biodiversity Offsets Scheme services.

Under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, biodiversity assessment requirements apply to applications to modify approved developments or activities.

Learn about Biodiversity Development Assessment Report waivers, information required to apply, and applications for concept development and staged infrastructure proposals.