The project is not proposing to increase camp sites in the precinct. Due to the carrying capacity of the sewage system, camping will be limited in the future to 90 sites.
The plan proposes a variety of camping options, including a walk-in group site, drive-through sites, double sites, and standard single sites. A single site will have the minimum dimensions of 10x10 m, which will allow enough room for their camp set-up, car, or boat on their site. Additional group camping will be allowed on the double sites, minimum 20x10 m, where 2 set-ups will be allowed on the one site. Dimensions of sites on the precinct plan are indicative only and will be refined during construction. Campers can book their site 180 days before staying to enable them to plan their stay.
Implementing numbered campsites will provide visitors assurance before their arrival with the dimensions of the site and a photo available on the booking system. Numbered corner markers will define the campsite. These markers will be low visual impact markers on the ground similar to a paver. The sites will not be marked out with lines, but visitors will be able to identify their site by the number painted on the marker and the site's boundary by lining up the corner markers.
Shade trees will be reinstated throughout the precinct. Additionally, larger vegetation areas will be planted as shown on the concept plan, including restoring the frontal dune to minimise erosion and reduce wind impacts within the camping area. The project will plant approximately 5,000 plants back into the precinct.