Bushfire affected coastal waterways grants

The main aim of the Coastal and Estuary Grants Program – Bushfire affected coastal waterways is to assist local councils to implement post fire environmental remedial actions to minimise and mitigate the impacts of bushfires on sensitive estuary and coastal ecosystems.


Only local councils are eligible to apply.

To be eligible to apply under this stream, the following need to apply:

  1. A bushfire in the 2019-20 financial year triggered the emergency works to be conducted.
  2. It is clearly articulated and justified as to why the works are urgent and cannot wait until the next coastal and estuary implementation funding round opens.
  3. The action to be undertaken will result in an overall reduction in environmental harm to the coastal zone as a result of the bushfire.
  4. The action can be managed sustainably into the future without creating any material adverse impacts or risks in other areas or on other projects.

Note: The action for which funding is sought is not required to be identified in Council’s certified Coastal Zone Management Plan, Emergency Action Sub Plan or certified Coastal Management Program

2019–20 funding round

Funding stream Status Opening date Closing date
Bushfire affected coastal waterways Closed    

Information for new applicants