Public submissions: NSW Koala Strategy and draft Saving our Species Iconic Koala Project

The NSW Government has delivered a NSW Koala Strategy. As part of this process, the government invited input on what should be included in a whole-of-government NSW koala strategy to stabilise and then start to increase koala numbers.

From December 2016 to March 2017, the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) sought feedback from the community on how to develop an effective NSW Koala Strategy through a number of public engagement activities.

Members of the community and stakeholder groups were invited to tell us what action, or research, they think needs to be undertaken to stabilise and then increase koala numbers in New South Wales. The community's feedback on what should be included in the strategy is vital to building a strong strategy. To support community engagement in this process, OEH ran 7 community information sessions, hosted an online public information session and invited written submissions.

The government also invited community feedback on the draft Saving Our Species Iconic Koala Project, which sets out a framework for on-ground koala conservation actions for 2016 to 2021.

Public submissions closed on the 3 March 2017.

We have  provided a summary of the public engagement activities and the key issues raised by stakeholders and community members through written submissions in the Developing a whole-of-government NSW Koala Strategy: Public engagement summary report.

We received a total of 4080 submissions on developing the NSW Koala Strategy, including approximately 3800 form submissions. We received 34 submissions on the draft Saving Our Species Iconic Koala Project.

Abigail Humphreys (PDF 48KB) John Russell (PDF 47KB)
Alan Pursch (PDF 48KB) Jo McEwan (PDF 9KB)
Alex Mortensen (PDF 48KB) Jorge Lescano (PDF 7KB)
Allan Richards (PDF 53KB) Joseph Bugeja (PDF 7KB)
Amanda Large (PDF 7KB) Jude Logan (PDF 7KB)

Judith Leslie (PDF 21KB)
Ann Luke (PDF 9KB) Judith Mehaffey (PDF 40KB)
Anna Beresford (PDF 7KB) Judith Walker (PDF 7KB)
Anne Callaghan (PDF 7KB) Judy Genandt (PDF 7KB)
Anne Morton (PDF 7KB) Judy Schneider (PDF 9KB)
Annette Lee (PDF 7KB) Judy Unger (PDF 42KB)
Anni Haque (PDF 12KB) Julie Pleace (PDF 99KB)
Anonymous 1 (PDF 10KB) Karen Bennett (PDF 7KB)
Anonymous 2 (PDF 9KB) Karen Vegar (PDF 50KB)
Anonymous 3 (PDF 21KB) Katinka Smit (PDF 53KB)
Anonymous 4 (PDF 10KB) Kay Muddiman (PDF 7KB)
Anonymous 5 (PDF 11KB) Kay Wilson (PDF 9KB)
Anonymous 6 (PDF 10KB) Kerri Francis (PDF 9KB)
Anonymous 7 (PDF 58KB) Keryn Upton (PDF 14KB)
Anonymous 8 (PDF 93KB) Kim Graves (PDF 9KB)
Anonymous 9 (PDF 9KB) Kim Morris (PDF 22KB)
Anonymous 10 (PDF 213) Kira Leeon (PDF 47 KB)
Anthony Beutelschiess (PDF 7KB) Konstantine Gaspar (PDF 7KB)
Anthony Fee (PDF 20KB) Larissa Toft (PDF 7KB)
Antonia Dick (PDF 8KB) Lauren Faulkner (PDF 22KB)
Barbara Mantell (PDF 44KB) Linda Ambrose (PDF 64KB)
Barry Allen (PDF 8KB) Lois Katz (PDF 10KB)
Beth Schultz (PDF 83KB) Lorraine Vass (PDF 26KB)
Brendan Crotty Lorne (PDF 9KB) Lyndel Francis (PDF 9KB)
Brian Cryer (PDF 21KB) Lyndsey Hatchwell 1 (PDF 9KB)
Bronwyn Taylor (PDF 7KB) Lyndsey Hatchwell 2 (PDF 46KB)
C. Lewis (PDF 12KB)  Lynne Lancaster (PDF 7KB)
C. Rumble (PDF 7KB)  Maggie Wheeler (PDF 7KB)
Cameron Walton (PDF 7KB) Marcelle Lawrence (PDF 40KB)
Carney Fenech (PDF 7KB) Maree O'Neill (PDF 13KB)
Carol Bailey (PDF 9KB) Margaret Sharpe (PDF 8KB)
Cal Col (PDF 7KB) Margo van der Voort (PDF 50KB)
Charles Dechelard (PDF 79KB) Maria Scheible (PDF 45KB)
Charmian Eckersley (PDF 9KB) Marion Land (PDF 8KB)
Cheryl Dubois (PDF 7KB) Mark Lems (PDF 56KB)
Cheryl Egan (PDF 7KB) Mark Selmes (PDF 8KB)
Chris Franks (PDF 8KB) Martin Green (PDF 49KB)
Christa Ludlow (PDF 47KB) Martin Grunseit (PDF 7KB)
Christine Fraser (PDF 9KB) Mary Bourke (PDF 7KB)
Chris Wolf (PDF 8KB) Mary Forbes (PDF 99KB)
Cindy Dyball (PDF 7KB) Mary Jane Trujillo (PDF 7KB)
Clive Riseam (PDF 9KB) Mathew Bell (PDF 86KB) 
Colin Mitchell (PDF 8KB) Matthew Jordan (PDF 9KB)
Curtis Dale (PDF 11 KB) Max Bancroft (PDF 10KB)
Darryl and Karen Smith (PDF 116KB) Megan Hyatt (PDF 9KB)
David Lovejoy (PDF 44KB) Meredith Brownhill (PDF 389KB)
David Palmer (PDF 9KB) Meredith Stanton 1 (PDF 21KB)
David Paull (PDF 151KB) Meredith Stanton 2 (PDF 76KB)
David Quince (PDF 9KB) Michael Streatfeild (PDF 8KB)
Derek Robertson (PDF 9KB) Michele Lee (PDF 7KB)
Diane Speed (PDF 7KB) Miguel Heatwole (PDF 21KB)
Donalea Eaton (PDF 7KB) Necia Whatman (PDF 8KB)
Donna Katsoolis (PDF 9KB) Nigel Walters (PDF 9KB)
Donna Pattison (PDF 45KB) Noel and Jacqueline Franklin (PDF 8KB)
Ecofarms (PDF 9KB) Pat McKelvey (PDF 7KB)
Edwin Mills (PDF 8KB) Paul Merz (PDF 44KB)
Ellen Gerona (PDF 7KB) Peta Lewis (PDF 10KB)
Elvira de Neeff (PDF 21KB) Peter M. Taylor (PDF 46KB)
Emma Bowen (PDF 49KB) Peter Rutherford (PDF 2.6MB)
Ergys Alliu (PDF 7KB) Ray Stanford (PDF 23KB)
Frances Letters (PDF 7KB) Rhonda Collins (PDF 8KB)
Fran Walder (PDF 7KB) Rhonda Green (PDF 9KB) 
Frayne Dyke-Walker (PDF 10KB) Robert Bertram (PDF 116KB)
Gavin Hughes (PDF 9KB) Robyn Hooper (PDF 7KB)
Georgia Jones (PDF 7KB) Roger Park (PDF 53KB)
Gill Burrows (PDF 9KB) Ronald Loughland (PDF 84KB)
Gwynne Freeman-Flood (PDF 9KB) Rosemary Allen (PDF 7KB)
Heather Ingram (PDF 47KB) Ruby Emma Daisy (PDF 49KB)
Helen Hackett (PDF 9KB) Salita Matthews (PDF 7KB)
Ian Johnson (PDF 8KB) Sandra Birdsall (PDF 7KB)
Ian Lothringer (PDF 7KB) Sarah Box (PDF 8KB)
Ian Rabbitt (PDF 52KB) Scott Bell-Ellercamp (PDF 11KB)
Iced Volvo (PDF 21KB) Scott and Jo McCalman (PDF 10KB)
Irene Barski (PDF 7KB) Sean Burke (PDF 26KB)
Irene Timmins (PDF 12KB) Simone Bradbury (PDF 8KB)
Jacqui Goodman (PDF 7KB) Stacey Brodbeck (PDF 8KB)
James Cassidy (PDF 9KB) Stephen King (PDF 15KB)
Janelle Foster-Kittrell (PDF 9KB) Sue Wells (PDF 7KB)
Jan Hystek (PDF 7KB) Susanne Ferrier (PDF 7KB)
Jean Nicholson (PDF 8KB) Suzanne Marks (PDF 7KB)
Jennifer Tuckwell (PDF 9KB) Terry Jordan (PDF 44KB)
Jill Hartley (PDF 129KB) Terry Wilson (PDF 21KB)
Jim Morrison (PDF 52KB) Thorsten Garcia (PDF 7KB)
Jim O'Neill (PDF 51KB) Tina Sorenson (PDF 21KB)
Jo Berens (PDF 7KB) Tomasz Graczewski (PDF 7KB)
John Boyle (PDF 47KB) Tosca Looby (PDF 8KB) 
John Brickhill (PDF 7KB) Vanessa Standing (PDF 117KB)
John Francis (PDF 9KB) Veronica Walsh (PDF 7KB)
John Jeayes (PDF 30KB) Victoria Castle (PDF 8KB)
John Keogh (PDF 9KB) Warren Wallamulla (PDF 8KB)
John Liu (PDF 11KB) Warren Wallamulla - attachment (PDF 262KB)
John Marsh (PDF 8KB) Yvonne Fessler (PDF 11KB)