Weddin Mountains National Park management documents

The following list includes management documents for this park.

Park management documents such as plans of management, statements of management intent and fire management strategies detail how we manage parks. When needed, we also develop pest and weed management strategies, master plans and other strategies.

Weddin Mountains National Park Plan of Management

  • 1 Sep 1995
  • Publication, Plan of management
  • ISBN 0-73047-4296
  • PDF 53KB

Weddin Mountains National Park lies 20 kilometres south-west of Grenfell in the Central West of NSW. The park is a prominent mountain range rising 400 metres above the surrounding plains. Important values of the park include the scenic quality of its landforms and its moderately large size and compact shape which make it important as habitat for plants and animals typical of the residual ranges of the central western slopes.

Weddin Mountains National Park Fire Management Strategy

  • 1 Jun 2014
  • Publication, Fire management strategy
  • ISBN 978-1-74293-985-8
  • PDF 1.1MB

This fire management strategy incorporates Weddin Mountains National Park.