View your map

View your property map online or save and print a copy to take with you.

Viewing, saving and printing your map is easy. Use your address or search using property Lot and Deposited Plan (DP) details found on your council rates notice to easily zoom in to your property.

There are currently 2 map viewers you can use to search for your property depending on where you live in New South Wales.

The draft native vegetation regulatory map and the transitional native vegetation regulatory map are available to all landholders across New South Wales.

Both the transitional and draft native vegetation regulatory maps display vulnerable and sensitive regulated land. Mapping for these 2 categories legally restricts land clearing in those areas.

You can use the draft native vegetation regulatory map to view your property map.

Your map may show some or all the map categories:

  • category 1 exempt land
  • category 2 regulated land
  • category 2–vulnerable regulated land
  • category 2–sensitive regulated land
  • land excluded from the Local Land Services Act 2013

Draft Native Vegetation Regulatory map viewer

Viewed your map and want to have it reviewed? You can request a free category explanation report or map review.

Request a free category explanation report or map review

If you would like a category explanation report, a map review, or any other information, please complete and submit this enquiry form.

Enquiry form

Areas where the transitional map applies

A map of vulnerable and sensitive regulated land was published in 2017, legally restricting land clearing in those areas. This is known as the transitional native vegetation regulatory map. A limited range of allowable activities are permitted in these mapped areas. This remains in place statewide.

Vulnerable and sensitive regulated land is also mapped on the draft native vegetation regulatory map. Other land categories mapped on the draft native vegetation regulatory map do not create any new regulatory requirements or place additional requirements on landholders.

The Local Land Services website contains guidance material and resources.

Transitional map viewer

Viewed your map and want to have it reviewed? You can request a free category explanation report or map review.

Request a free category explanation report or map review

If you would like a category explanation report, a map review, or any other information, please complete and submit this enquiry form.

Enquiry form

Tips for using the map viewers

Basic tips:

  • click on the blue Start here button
  • search for your property by choosing one of the search menus, for example, Find Lot/DP
  • scroll up or down to increase or decrease the size of your view
  • use the buttons in the lower-left corner of the map to change the map scale and turn the base image options on or off
  • to turn map category layers on or off and adjust layer transparency, click on the Layers tab in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen and use the tick box controls and slider tools in the map Legend
  • explore other map tools in the Tools bar at the top of the map viewer