Threatened species of the Lower Hunter region

The Lower Hunter region contains a diverse range of native habitats and is home to over 65 threatened entities. Learn more about who they are, why they are so important and what you can do to support them.

Small flower grevillea (Grevillea parviflora ssp parviflora)


Many plants at risk of extinction in the Hunter Valley are found nowhere else. From the tiny orchid to the towering eucalypt, plants are important sources of food and shelter for native animals.

Find out more about our plants



Regent honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia)


A diverse range of bird species can be found in the Lower Hunter region, including the regent honeyeater and swift parrot. By pollinating plants, dispersing seeds, and eating insects, birds are vital to a healthy ecosystem.

Find out more about our birds



Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), Heathcote National Park


Iconic species such as the koala and brush-tailed rock-wallaby are some of the threatened mammals found in the Hunter Valley. Bats, possums, and gliders are equally important species that pollinate our plants and help spread native seeds.

Find out more about our mammals



Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea)


The insect-eating frogs of the Hunter Valley play a key role in controlling mosquitoes, flies, and spiders. Frogs are one of the most threatened animal groups in the world and are most easily identified by the sounds they make.

Find out more about our frogs



River-Flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions

Threatened ecological communities

From coastal saltmarsh to lowland rainforest, the various landscapes of the Hunter Valley are home to unique and threatened ecological communities. Protecting these communities is vital to the survival of our threatened species.

Find out more about our threatened ecological communities



Regent Honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia)Connection to Country

Aboriginal people have a strong spiritual, cultural, physical, and social connection to and custodianship of Country, including its fauna and flora. The lower Hunter Valley includes the lands of the Wonnarua, Awabakal and Worimi people, and it is also a stronghold for the critically endangered regent honeyeater.

Mindaribba Local Aboriginal Land Council have supported and participated in captive-bred regent honeyeaters being released into the wild on their lands within the Tomalpin woodlands.

Find out more about the Regent Honeyeater and its connection to Wonnarua Country:

Saving the Regent Honeyeater – YouTube