NSW Environmental Trust Strategic Plan 2020-24

The NSW Environmental Trust has recently undertaken a major strategic review.

The review aimed to ensure funds are directed towards the most critical environmental issues while continuing to align with the Trust's legal objects.

The result is the NSW Environmental Trust Strategic Plan 2020-24, which outlines three longer-term priorities for this period, as well as three immediate focus areas for the next 18 months.

  • Our new immediate 18-month priorities are climate change, increasing national park estate and increasing and stabilising threatened species populations.
  • These immediate priorities are echoed by our overarching 4-year priorities – to reduce human-induced impacts on the environment, strengthen NSW's natural environment and support native species and their habitats.

Grants provided under the new priorities will complement existing government programs and initiatives – they will fund activities that fill gaps, extend or innovate in these spaces.

Funding will not duplicate or replace efforts already committed to under other government programs.

What does the review mean for the Trust's existing grants and programs?

For existing grantees with a funding agreement already in place, nothing changes. Grantees will continue to deliver projects as per agreed outcomes.

The Trust's contestable programs and major project streams will be adjusted progressively over coming funding rounds to incorporate the new priorities. Some of the Trust's programs, such as Protecting our Places, will remain the same as they already reflect the new priorities.

In 2020-21, $1.5 million will be offered under the Research program – $1 million for eucalyptus dieback and $500,000 for research focused on the immediate priorities. Research will continue to be central to the work the Trust funds, through support of larger major projects.

At this time, the Lead Environmental Community Group and Eco Schools programs will no longer be offered.

Further information about how the Trust's programs will align with the new priorities will be provided on the website over coming months.