
Through targeted sponsorships, we support organisations and programs that help us reach shared goals for environment, energy and science.

Sponsorship gives the department the opportunity to support organisations and activities that align with our goals and objectives by delivering improved environmental, economic and social outcomes for the people of New South Wales.

We offer sponsorship opportunities for projects, programs and events that are not covered under our grant programs.

We offer sponsorship to proposals by groups or organisations that align with our goals and objectives to deliver environmental outcomes.

Some examples include:

  • conferences
  • awards
  • exhibitions
  • community events
  • promotional activities.

Sponsorship recipients are expected to comply with conditions or requirements of the sponsorship agreement, as well as relevant NSW Government legislation.

We will not sponsor proposals that:

  • involve activities with, or sponsorship from, other organisations or companies which are deemed to be inappropriate
  • are for ongoing or recurrent administration costs of an organisation
  • endorse commercial products or services
  • have a primary focus outside New South Wales
  • are submitted by organisations which have breached environmental regulations within the past 3 years
  • are submitted by organisations currently subject to regulation or regulatory actions by DCCEEW during the period leading up to or during the term of the sponsored project.

You can apply for sponsorship at any time. To apply you'll need to complete our Sponsorship Application Form (DOC 60KB).

If you need help with your application contact: ees.sponsorship@environment.nsw.gov.au

Applications will usually be processed within 4 weeks. Successful proposals will be provided with a formal agreement that must be signed by both parties to be considered in effect. Due to limited resources not all applications can be supported, even when applications meet the assessment criteria.

The following criteria will be taken into consideration when assessing applications for sponsorship

  1. Application: Requests for sponsorship must be made via our Sponsorship Application Form (DOC 60KB) and emailed to: ees.sponsorship@environment.nsw.gov.au
    Applicants need to provide all the information required as part of the application form, including details of public liability insurance and ABN.
  2. Eligibility: Make sure your proposal is eligible for sponsorship. See the list in the ’Who we sponsor‘ section on this page for activities and organisations that will not be supported.
  3. Alignment and promotion: Sponsorship will only be granted to proposals that align with and advance the objectives of DCCEEW, which are to:
    • deliver a coordinated approach to energy, climate change and sustainability
    • support resilient ecosystems and biodiversity for improved conservation outcomes
    • deliver best-practice regulation, incident management, and mine safety for protecting the environment and human health
    • partner with our customers, communities and stakeholders to deliver environmental outcomes
    • provide rigorous, transparent and evidence-based advice
    • ensure our workplace is happy, safe and productive.
  4. Leverage and benefits: Applicants need to demonstrate a willingness to work closely with DCCEEW to leverage and acknowledge the sponsorship
  5. Track record, risk management and good standing: If your proposal is for an event you need to demonstrate that you have a successful track record in event management. Proposals should also demonstrate that applicants have appropriate plans in place for risk management, insurance, finance and staffing.
  6. Additional supporting information: You can provide additional supporting information as part of the application process, including communication plans, references and referee contact details.

We use information provided by applicants to assess and process sponsorship proposals. We may be required to release application information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 or other lawful requirement.

Applicants should note that we might give some or all of their application information to:

  • other government agencies
  • an assessment panel responsible for assessing applications
  • parliamentary committees
  • members of parliament
  • media who may help publicise the project.

The name of the applicant organisation and other details may be disclosed in documentation, such as media releases. These details may also be made publicly available on our website or in the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water annual report. Any requirement for commercial and/or personal confidentiality should be addressed in your application.

All sponsorship recipients are required to provide a written report within one month of the completion of the project, program or event. This should be a minimum of one page that sets out:

  • achievements of the project against deliverables which may have formed part of the sponsorship agreement
  • details about how the project helped the DCCEEW achieve its strategic goals
  • if there were any special conditions as part of the sponsorship, outline how these were met
  • acknowledgment of DCCEEW’s support.

A reporting template will be provided for applicants to produce this report.

An internal evaluation report will be completed by DCCEEW.