
Nominating a species, population or ecological community as threatened, or nominating a key threatening process is the first step in the process for listing in the Schedules of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) encourages community involvement in the protection of threatened species and ecological communities. Any person or organisation can propose changes to the list of threatened species, populations, ecological communities or key threatening process.

Nomination priorities

The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee assesses all nominations received, but some nominations may be given priority over others in line with the Scientific Committee's nomination priorities and criteria. The current criteria for nomination priorities include:

  • species endemic to New South Wales
  • degree of threat
  • immediacy of threat
  • such other matters the Scientific Committee considers relevant. 

For more information, read the NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee nomination priorities (PDF 107KB)
