The native vegetation of the Sydney metropolitan area
This set of products provides information on the distribution and types of native vegetation across all land tenures within the 39 local government areas of the eastern Sydney area that were within the former Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority area. Seventy-nine vegetation communities are identified, described and mapped.
Coastal Sandplain Heath Photo:OEH
Version 3.0, 2016
Originally drafted in 2009 and considerably revised and published in 2013 (version 2.0), the vegetation maps and reports for the Sydney metropolitan area were updated in 2016 (version 3.0). The changes made in version 3.0 were revisions to the designation of biometric vegetation types (BVTs) and plant community types (PCTs) for each of the 79 identified vegetation communities, however no changes were made to the vegetation community descriptions or areal extent of the communities documented in the version 2.0 reports and maps.
The two volume report comprises:
- The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Volume 1: Technical Report (Version 3.0)
This details the vegetation mapping methods and provides context to this mapping project.
- The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Volume 2: Vegetation Community Profiles (Version 3.0)
This contains a detailed profile of each vegetation community, describing their occurrence and floristic composition – along with technical data to assist with identifying the community in the field – as well as their relationships to threatened ecological communities (TECs) listed under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (now under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016) and Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Mapping of the distribution of the vegetation communities is provided as a digital data file suitable for use in geographic information systems (GIS) and by 23 pdf-format A0 maps presented at a scale of 1:15,000.
Download reports, data and maps
The reports, data and maps are held in the BioNet Vegetation Map Collection (previously known as the Vegetation Information System Map Catalogue) and are available for download via the SEED environmental data portal within which the dataset can be searched for by name or by its VIS catalogue number (VIS_ID) 4489.
Please contact for any questions about the data.
Page last updated: 08 July 2018