Gap Bluff community information

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) sought community feedback on Gap Bluff Hospitality's (GBH) proposal for the adaptive re-use of six properties across the Gap Bluff precinct. GBH's plan outlines how it will adapt the buildings for use for functions, short stay accommodation and a restaurant.

The proposal and a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) investigating its environmental impacts were exhibited for public comment until 10 November 2015. 164 public submissions were received. Many submissions were comprehensive and detailed.

This stage of consultation has now closed and the submissions are being reviewed.

Updates on the project will be posted on this web page as they become available.

During the consultation phase NPWS held meetings with the community and key stakeholders to seek their input on the plan and REF. At these meetings NPWS was asked a number of questions about the proposal.

Below is a record of the questions raised during the consultation and NPWS responses:



Gap Bluff in Sydney Harbour National Park
Page last updated: 15 March 2016