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Best-practice management of bitou bush and boneseed

A key objective of the NSW Bitou Bush Threat Abatement Plan is the use of best practice management. A series of management guides have been produced to help land managers to maximise the chances of successful bitou bush or boneseed control while limiting off-target damage to native species.

In addition, control should be planned, and follow a staged-approach to remove the threat bitou bush poses to the priority species and ecological communities.

Management guides and manuals

Bitou bush

A document entitled 'A Framework to Guide Ecological Restoration: Coastal Foredune Scrub and Temperate Littoral Rainforest' is now available for use by land managers and community groups. The framework can be used to ensure the restoration of biodiversity following bitou bush and other weed control. These guidelines are specific to the NSW south coast, however, while the species are different, the methodologies may be used as a template for other regions.

Bitou bush management manual


Boneseed management manual

For more information on bitou bush and boneseed, including downloadable brochures, visit the national Bitou Bush and Boneseed site.

Page last updated: 17 June 2011