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Investing in native vegetation management

The native vegetation interim type standard

The OEH native vegetation interim type standard addresses the scientific processes involved in the gathering, processing and presentation of a range of native vegetation products.

The standard addresses the nature and quality of the scientific processes for native vegetation type activities (remote sensing interpretation, field survey, data manipulation, data management and mapping). The standard:

  1. adopts consistent, comparable, transparent and quantified science practices for native vegetation type information
  2. specifically does not seek to address particular products; a range of products can be produced under this standard
  3. is intended to be scale independent.

The Interim standard will be reviewed and updated as part of a new Native Vegetation Information Strategy being developed by OEH Science Division.


Native Vegetation Management (NVM) Benefits mapping

OEH has developed Native Vegetation Management (NVM) Benefits mapping to help guide investment in native vegetation management by land managers, including catchment management authorities. The NVM Benefits mapping predicts where investment in native vegetation management will contribute the highest benefit to terrestrial biodiversity, at a state-scale. This can be achieved through improvement in condition, extent and connectivity of native vegetation.

A series of supporting documents, including 'NSW Native Vegetation Management Benefits Analysis Technical report', 'Investing in Native Vegetation Management and Threatened Species Programs: Guide Note' and 'Biodiversity Certification of Catchment Action Plans', are also available. They provide information on how the NVM Benefits were derived and on how this information can be used to guide investment.

Release of Australia's Native Vegetation Framework

Australia's Native Vegetation Framework  was released by the Commonwealth Government on 19 December 2012. The framework will guide the ecologically sustainable management of Australia's native vegetation across the Australian landscape. The framework recognises that native vegetation is crucial for the health of Australia's environment, that it supports our economy and productivity as well as our biodiversity and that it is embedded within Australia's cultural identity.

NSW Vegetation Information System and Atlas of NSW Wildlife

OEH is developing the NSW Vegetation Information System as a focal point for providing integrated, coordinated access to the vegetation maps and data for the state. A project is underway to establish specifications for standard NSW native vegetation map products by June 2013.

To find out what plants occur in a national park or reserve you can search the Atlas of NSW Wildlife.

Page last updated: 20 September 2013