The interstate import and export of native animals is regulated in each state and territory.
In New South Wales, native animals are protected by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act).
When you need a licence
You need an import/export licence granted under the BC Act to transport most native animals across the state's borders.
The import/export licences are generally granted:
- to licensed NSW animal keepers and animal dealers to facilitate interstate dealing
- for the interstate movements of native animals used for scientific research and those held by wildlife rehabilitation groups, zoos, wildlife parks and tourist attractions.
When you don't need a licence
You don't need an interstate import/export licence if you intend to import or export:
- introduced or exotic species – these are regulated by NSW biosecurity laws
- dingoes (which are not protected under the BC Act)
- native birds for which you don't need a licence to keep under the BC Act.
For all other native animal species, you will need to apply for an import/export licence to authorise movement across state borders.
Apply for an import or export licence
When you apply for an import/export licence to move native animals interstate you must provide:
- your name, contact details and details of your licence that authorises you to be in possession of the native animals you want to move
- the number and species of animals you want to move – use the NSW Native Animal Keepers Species List to check the species code
- the name, contact details and licence or permit details of the interstate party – make sure the interstate party has the appropriate licence or permit from their state's animal protection agency.
Licence cost and duration
A NSW import/export licence costs $30 and is valid for a maximum period of one month for one consignment only during this period.
Apply online
Apply online for the automatic granting of a licence concerning class 1 native animal species.
You can apply online for a licence concerning advanced class animal species, but applications are individually assessed before a licence is granted. Allow up to 28 working days for assessment.
A 10% discount (off the standard $30 licence fee) applies to online applications.
Apply for an import/export licence
You can apply for a licence by completing and submitting an application for an import/export licence.
Allow up to 28 working days for your application to be processed once it is received.
Please email us at if you are unable to complete the online form for your application.
Comply with licence conditions
Licences to import or export native animals are granted under the BC Act with conditions. Conditions may differ between licences as considered appropriate by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the department).
Under section 2.14 of the BC Act it is an offence to contravene or fail to comply with a condition of your licence. The department may conduct random audits of licensees to ensure licence conditions are being met.
Licensees and all authorised people must also comply with other statutory or regulatory provisions relevant to this licence such as:
The following licence conditions are current at the time of publication and are subject to change at any time.