
Famous for its vineyards and wines, the Hunter Region includes significant natural areas such as Barrington Tops and is the home to the 'dinosaur tree', the Wollemi pine.

Hunter region map

Air quality Last updated at 5:00 pm, 15 February 2025 AEST

The Upper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Network (UHAQMN) is the regional air quality monitoring network in the Upper Hunter Region.

  • Lower Hunter Good
  • Central Coast Good

Climate change

Mean temperatures are projected to rise by 2 ºC by 2070. The greatest increases are being seen summer and spring. All models show there are no declines in mean temperatures across the Hunter.

Featured threatened species

Common name
Regent Honeyeater

Scientific name
Anthochaera phrygia

Status in NSW
Critically Endangered

Commonwealth status
Critically Endangered

The Regent Honeyeater is a striking and distinctive, medium-sized, black and yellow honeyeater with a sturdy, curved bill. Adults weigh 35 - 50 grams, are 20 - 24 cm long and have a wings-pan of 30 cm. Its head, neck, throat, upper breast and bill are black and the back and lower breast are pale lemon in colour with a black scalloped pattern. Its flight and tail feathers are edged with bright yellow.