Remanufacture NSW Regional and Remote

This round of funding offered regional and remote organisations in New South Wales the opportunity to apply for funding from a total pool of $7 million available nationally through the Australian Government’s Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF). NSW projects are co-funded from the NSW Government’s Waste Less Recycle More initiative, and delivered through the Remanufacture NSW program. The program is delivered by the NSW Environmental Trust in partnership with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

This program is now closed.

Focus of this funding round

A key target of the 2019 National Waste Policy Action Plan (the National Action Plan) is to achieve an 80% average resource recovery rate for all waste streams following the waste hierarchy by 2030. To achieve this target, the National Action Plan recognised that regional and remote areas require better access to waste management and processing.

To help reach this target, the Australian and NSW Governments offered co-funding to eligible projects that increase the sorting, processing, and manufacturing or remanufacturing capacity of regional and remote locations. The areas of interest for this funding round were all non-metropolitan areas falling under the ABS classifications of inner and outer regional, remote and very remote areas.

Funding available

Grants from $10,000 up to $1 million were available, covering up to 50% of the capital costs of the project.

Who could apply?

The following organisations were eligible to apply for co-funding for projects that would increase the sorting, processing, and manufacturing or remanufacturing capacity in regional and remote locations:

  • an Australian entity or partnership incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
  • a council (as defined in the NSW Local Government Act 1993), regional organisation of councils or other, local government-controlled organisation
  • a non-government/not-for-profit organisation (must comply with the ATO's definition) with an established legal status, or those without legal status that can have grant funds administered by another organisation with legal status.

When could applications be made?

This program is now closed.

If you are successful in obtaining funding for your project, you will need to provide regular reports on your progress.

Project measures table

A project measures table will be provided to you with your grant agreement. The project measures table will assist with setting the project baseline, creating targets, recording progress and project achievements.

An updated project measures table will need to be submitted with each progress report.

Progress reports and final report

You are required to submit milestone (progress) reports at agreed intervals to outline what your project has achieved and next steps.

Milestone reports are submitted to the Environmental Trust, who will check to ensure that expenditure is as per the agreed budget. The reports will also be reviewed by technical experts who may provide feedback or advice. Once reviewed and accepted the associated payment will be processed.

A final report will be required upon completion of the project, and once checked and approved the final payment will be made.

Please use milestone reporting form (DOCX 75KB) and final reporting form (DOCX 75KB) for these reports.

Financial reports

You must submit a statement of expenditure with each milestone report. A certified financial report will be required as part of the final report.

Other documents

You may be required to submit other documents or evidence as listed in your grant agreement.

Where to send reports

Please email reports and other documents to (50MB limit).

You are required to acknowledge the funding you have received from the Australian and NSW governments in all publications and materials related to your project. Please use the wording below.

This project is funded by the Australian Government's Recycling Modernisation Fund and the NSW Government's Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.

You also need to use the appropriate dual Australian and NSW government logos which have been provided below. For high resolution logos please contact the Environmental Trust at

The logos are not to be altered in any way.

Sample logo Logo description Logo use Download
 Remanufacture NSW
  • Black logo
  • Transparent background 
  • Transparent background allows it to be used over light coloured backgrounds.
  • Good for blowing up for large items such as signs and banners.
  • Ideal for items being professionally printed.
Black PNG
Sample logo as above
  • Black logo
  • White background
  • Good for use with MS Word.
  • Has a white background, and cannot be used on top of a coloured background.
Black JPG
Sample logo as above – in white
  • White logo
  • Transparent background
  • Transparent background allows it to be used over dark coloured backgrounds.
  • Good for blowing up for large items such as signs and banners.
  • Ideal for items being professionally printed.
White PNG
  • In 2021 a total of $4,833,418 was awarded to 8 projects.

Project summaries 2021