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Natural resource management information notes

These advisory notes have been produced to meet the need for a better level of public information on biodiversity, cultural heritage and threatened species on private land. The advisory notes focus on north-east NSW, but they will be useful for landholders in many parts of the state.

The primary objectives of the notes are to:

  • help landholders make more informed decisions about natural resource management
  • raise awareness of conservation issues within the wider community.

The notes also make an important contribution to the NSW natural resources management framework. They provide catchment management authorities with valuable resources, and will help with the implementation of the Native Vegetation Act.

Documents to download

Food trees for glossy black-cockatoos (PDF - 245KB)
This landholder advisory note covers the identification and management of glossy black-cockatoo feed trees on private land. It describes the cockatoos' specific feeding requirements, and explains how to identify both the birds and their habitat.

Food trees for yellow-bellied gliders (PDF - 154KB)
This advisory note covers the identification and management of yellow-bellied glider feed trees on private land. It shows landholders how to identify these tree-dwelling gliding possums and the special incisions they make on their feed trees.

Food trees that produce nectar (PDF - 163KB)
Many threatened animal species rely on nectar-producing trees for food. This advisory note shows landholders how to identify nectar food source trees, and explains the importance of these plants as a food source for insects, birds and mammals.

Food trees with fleshy fruits (PDF - 157KB)
This landholder advisory note covers the identification and importance of fleshy-fruited food trees on private land. It provides a list of important tree species, and shows why they are significant to particular native birds and mammals.

Nest trees for raptors and waterbirds (PDF - 163KB)
This advisory note shows landholders how to identify and manage the nest trees of raptors and colonial waterbirds on their properties. It also shows how to identify nests of different bird species, and explains why suitable nesting sites are so critical.

Trees with hollows (PDF - 125KB)
This landholder advisory note covers the identification and management of tree hollows on private land. It shows which native animals are dependent on hollows, and explains why trees with hollows are crucial to their survival.

Bat roosts (PDF - 184KB)
This landholder advisory note discusses the importance and management of bat roosts on private land. It shows how to identify bats and their roosts, and explains what landholders can do to help them.

Flying-fox camps (PDF - 176KB)
This advisory note covers the importance, identification and management of flying-fox camps. It shows why the flying-fox is an important threatened species that requires special protection, and gives landholders tips on reducing the threats faced by flying-fox camps.

Koala habitat (PDF - 184KB)
This advisory note covers the identification and management of koala habitat on private land. It gives lists of tree species that koalas rely on for food, and shows how landholders can identify and protect koalas on their land.

Biodiversity - it's everyone's business (PDF - 175KB)
This landholder advisory note explains what biodiversity is, and shows why it's important for all land managers to maintain and improve biodiversity on their land.

Old-growth forests (PDF - 218KB)
This landholder advisory note covers the identification and management of old growth forest on private land. It explains what constitutes an old-growth forest, shows landholders how to recognise different stages of forest growth, and outlines the importance of old-growth forests.

Threatened species conservation on private land (PDF - 307KB)
This advisory note outlines legislation, information sources and issues related to threatened species on private lands. It explains how threatened species legislation affects landholders, and shows how landholders can reduce threats and impacts to threatened species on their properties.

Threatened species recovery plans - a guide for landholders (PDF - 234KB)
This advisory note explains how recovery plans work, how they are implemented and how landholders can carry out recovery plan actions on their lands.

Wildlife corridors (PDF - 234KB)
This advisory note outlines the importance, identification and management of wildlife corridors across both public and privately-owned land.

Cultural heritage on private land (PDF - 172KB)
This advisory note outlines the importance, identification and management of Aboriginal heritage values on private land.

Page last updated: 27 February 2011