About us

Join the 'Land for Wildlife' scheme

If you would like to conserve your property's special features, but don't want to sign a legal agreement, you can join the Land for Wildlife Scheme.

Significant natural and cultural features of the environment exist across the whole landscape. Joining Land for Wildlife is one way you can help conserve and manage wildlife on your property and contribute to the conservation of our unique Australian native plants and animals.

Land for Wildlife in New South Wales in co-ordinated by the Community Environment Network (CEN) in partnership with the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH). The CEN works with with interested local organisations who run local Land for Wildlife Programs. For information about the State Co-ordination and running Land for Wildlife in your local area contact the CEN.

What is Land for Wildlife?

Land for Wildlife is a voluntary property registration scheme for landholders who wish to manage areas of wildlife habitat on their property.

Land for Wildlife encourages and assists landholders to include nature conservation along with other land management objectives.

Land for Wildlife is free to join and is not legally binding. Registration in the scheme will not change the legal status of a property.

Delivery of Land for Wildlife

In NSW, a community-based approach is taken for Land for Wildlife, with regional delivery carried out by non-government organisations, community groups and local councils. These regional arrangements are co-ordinated state wide by the Community Environment Network (CEN).

Regional delivery includes:

  • site assessments
  • advice on suggested management strategies and actions for the property
  • support and encouragement for landholders to carry out nature conservation on their land.

What are the benefits for members?

Land for Wildlife supports people who want information about wildlife management on their property and provides opportunities for landholders to share their experiences with other landholders and partner organisations, through:

  • information about wildlife management
  • information about the role of wildlife and native vegetation in sustainable agriculture to control pest species, provide shade and shelter, manage salinity and control wind and water erosion
  • membership links and contacts with like-minded people
  • notes and news on particular management issues
  • signs for property owners who have properties registered with the scheme
  • access to education programs and activities.

Join Land for Wildlife in your region

Land for Wildlife is available in a number of regions. Contact the CEN to find out if it is available in your regions.  

Other conservation options for landholders


Page last updated: 19 April 2016