NSW Scientific Committee - final determination
The Scientific Committee has found that:
1. Six species of deer (family Cervidae) have established feral populations in New South Wales (Wilson et al. 1992, Bentley 1995, Moriarty 2004a). These are Rusa Deer Cervus timorensis de Blainville 1822, Red Deer Cervus elaphus Linnaeus 1758, Sambar Deer Cervus unicolor Kerr 1792, Chital Deer Axis axis (Erxleben 1777), Hog Deer Axis porcinus (Zimmermann 1780), and Fallow Deer Dama dama (Linnaeus 1758). Recent control efforts are thought to have eradicated the only known population of the Hog Deer in the State (Moriarty pers. comm.).
2. All species extant in NSW have patchy distributions in forest and woodland in eastern New South Wales, with two species (Red and Fallow Deer) extending west of the Great Dividing Range (Wilson et al. 1992, Moriarty 2004a).
3. Recent reports indicate that the distributions and abundances of all species of deer except Hog Deer have increased in NSW between 1979 and 2001. Although they are large mammals, deer are cryptic and there are no state-wide censuses of numbers. The recent survey of West and Saunders (2003) documents an increase in landholders reporting occurrences of deer, and this is consistent with other anecdotal reports. West and Saunders (2003) identified deer as the most important emerging pest animal threat in NSW. Increases have occurred due to escapes and deliberate releases from deer farms, expansions of acclimatisation herds and possibly in some areas deliberate translocation by hunters (Moriarty 2004b). Deer populations in local areas usually contain fewer than 100 individuals, but may exceed 1000 individuals in some populations of Rusa and Fallow Deer (Moriarty et al. 2000, NPWS 2002, Moriarty 2004a). Bioclimatic modelling suggests that all species could increase their distributional ranges further in NSW (Forsyth et al. 2004, Moriarty 2004a); for three species (Red, Chital and Fallow Deer), suitable climates are predicted to occur in most or all parts of the State (Moriarty 2004a).
4. A large number of deer species have been introduced in different parts of the world (Long 2003). There is evidence from several continents of increased environmental damage caused by deer, from both native species and long established introductions, consequent on increased population resulting from changed management (including reduction in both predation and hunting pressure) and possibly forest fragmentation (Fuller and Gill 2001, Rackham 2003). Changes in large herbivorous mammal diversity can have impacts throughout ecosystems (Wardle and Bardgett 2004), and this may particularly be the case in Australia where ecosystems have evolved in the absence of large, hooved eutherian herbivores.
5. The five species of feral deer currently established in NSW are primarily grazers, but all species browse opportunistically on the buds, shoots and leaves of trees and shrubs (Bentley 1978). Deer may also strip bark from woody plants and browse on reproductive structures (Akasi and Nakashisuka 1999, Keith and Pellow 2004, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Scientific Advisory Committee 2004). All deer species are classed as 'intermediate mixed grazers' (Whitehead 1972) indicating that they can feed on a combination of shrub, understorey and grass species depending on availability. Consumption of a wide variety of native plant species by Rusa and Sambar deer has been recorded in south-eastern Australia (Hamilton 1981, Stockwell 2003, Keith and Pellow 2004, Moriarty unpubl. data, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Scientific Advisory Committee 2004) and, based on studies from overseas (e.g. Veblen et al. 1992, Fuller and Gill 2001, Rooney 2001, Coomes et al. 2003), it is likely that the other species of feral deer in NSW also consume a wide range of plant species. Most species of deer are nocturnal or semi-nocturnal, sheltering by day in forest or woodland and emerging to graze from late afternoon to early morning in native grassland, improved pasture, crop or other agricultural land (Bentley 1995).
6. Impacts of feral deer on indigenous biota in Australia have been poorly studied. However, documented impacts of feral deer in conservation reserves include overgrazing, browsing, trampling, ring-barking, antler rubbing, dispersal of weeds (e.g. Senegal tea Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, ludwigia Ludwigia peruviana), creation of trails, concentration of nutrients, exposing soils to erosion/accelerating erosion, and the subsequent degradation of water quality in creek and river systems (Clarke et al. 2000, NPWS 2002, Keith and Pellow 2004, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Scientific Advisory Committee 2004). The seriousness of impacts is likely to be dependent on the population density of deer but, because of their cryptic nature, early signs of damage may not be detected or may be ignored (Mark and Baylis 1982, Rackham 2003).
7. Rusa Deer have been shown to alter the structure, species abundance and composition of grassland communities (Hamilton 1981). In addition, patches of sandstone heath, woodland, and littoral rainforest at locations within the Royal National Park with high deer density, have 30-70% fewer plant species than patches with low deer densities (NPWS 2002). An exclosure experiment using planted saplings of a threatened rainforest tree, Syzygium paniculatum, found that exposure to deer browsing for several months led to major defoliation, bark stripping, stem breakages and some mortality (Keith and Pellow 2004). At least nine threatened species or populations of plants are known to be eaten by the deer (A. Moriarty, unpublished data):
Endangered species
Acacia bynoeana
Persoonia hirsuta
Vulnerable Species
Eucalyptus camfieldii
Leucopogon exolasius
Melaleuca deanei
Prostanthera densa
Syzygium paniculatum
Endangered Population
Callitris endlicheri population on the Woronora Plateau
Grazing and trampling by Deer could alter the composition and structure of the following Endangered Ecological Communities: - Littoral Rainforest, O'Hares Creek Shale Forest, Sydney Freshwater Wetlands, Montane Peatlands and Swamps, River-Flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains and Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains.
Grazing and trampling by Deer could alter the composition and structure of the habitats of threatened fauna, including:
Isoodon obesulus (Southern Brown Bandicoot)
Potorous longipes (Long-footed Potoroo)
8. Populations of the following species are not threatened but could become threatened by grazing and environmental degradation caused by feral deer (A. Moriarty unpublished data):
Darwinia diminuta
Darwinia grandiflora
Epacris coriacea
Eucalyptus luehmanniana
Genoplesium baueri
Gonocarpus salsoloides
Grevillea longifolia
Lomandra fluviatilis
Monotoca ledifolia
Platysace stephensonii
Rulingia hermanniifolia
Tetratheca neglecta
Thysanotus virgatus
Xerochrysum palustre
9. Grazing and browsing of plant seedlings and saplings by deer may impose heavy impacts and substantial additional costs on ecological restoration projects (Augustine and Frelich 1998, Opperman and Merenlender 2000, Coomes et al. 2003, NPWS 2002, Keith and Pellow 2004).
10. Competition for food may occur between feral deer and macropods, but has been little studied. Rusa Deer in Royal National Park show a 13% overlap in diet with the Swamp Wallaby Wallabia bicolor in summer and a 54% overlap in diet in winter (Hamilton 1981). In Victoria, trampling and grazing by deer reduces refuges for a number of native species from predators (Stockwell 2003, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Scientific Advisory Committee 2004). Impacts of deer on other fauna have also been recorded overseas (e.g. Rambo and Faeth 1999, McShea and Rappole 2000).
11. Feral deer are known to occur in many conservation reserves, including Bouddi, Deua, Guy Fawkes River, Royal, Blue Mountains, Kosciuszko, Morton, South East Forests, Wadbilliga and Towarri National Parks; Dharawal, Illawarra Escarpment and Mount Canobolas State Conservation Areas and Dharawal, Karuah, Lake Innes, Macquarie, Sea Acres and Wallaroo Nature Reserves.
12. Overseas studies have documented impacts of increased deer populations on invertebrates (Rambo and Faeth 1999, Stewart 2001), understorey species composition (Rooney et al. 2004), tree regeneration (Veblen et al. 1992, Khan et al. 1994, Stangeret and Shea 1998, Augustine and Frelich 1998, Fuller and Gill 2001, Rooney 2001), birds (McShea and Rappole 2000), and ecosystem processes (Coomes et al. 2003, Rooney et al. 2004). Responses of many species to increased deer populations may not be linear (Fuller and Gill 2001). While detailed extrapolation from overseas studies involving different species of deer, different flora and different environments from those in Australia may not be possible, the available research supports a common generalisation that increasing numbers of deer may strongly modify the abundances of particular species and overall composition in a wide range of plant communities. The range and magnitude of the reported impacts therefore indicate that increased deer populations in NSW are likely to lead to a variety of changes in natural and semi-natural communities.
13. In view of the above, the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Herbivory and environmental degradation caused by feral deer adversely affects two or more threatened species, populations or ecological communities and could cause species, populations or ecological communities that are not threatened to become threatened.
Associate Professor Paul Adam
Scientific Committee
Proposed Gazettal date: 17/12/04
Exhibition period: 17/12/04 - 28/01/05
Akasi N, Nakashisuka T (1999) Effects of bark stripping by sika deer (Cervus nippon) on population dynamics of a mixed forest in Japan. Forest Ecology and Management 113, 75-82.
Augustine DJ, Frelich LE (1998) Effects of white-tailed deer on populations of an understorey forb in fragmented deciduous forests. Conservation Biology 12, 995-1004.
Bentley A (1978) 'An introduction to the deer of Australia.' (Forests Commission Victoria: Melbourne)
Bentley A (1995) 'Fallow Deer, Dama dama; Red Deer, Cervus elaphus; Rusa Deer, Cervus timorensis; Sambar Deer, Cervus unicolor; Chital, Axis axis; and Hog Deer, Axis porcinus. In 'The Mammals of Australia'. (Ed. R Strahan) pp. 732-742. (Reed Books: Sydney)
Clarke GM, Grosse S, Matthews M, Catling PC, Baker B, Hewitt CL, Crowther D, Sadlier SR (2000) 'Environmental Pest Species in Australia', Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australia: State of the Environment, Second Technical Paper Series No. 2 (Biodiversity), Paper 3, Canberra.
Coomes DA, Allen RB, Forsyth DM, Lee WG (2003) Factors Preventing the Recovery of New Zealand Forests Following Control of Invasive Deer. Conservation Biology 17, 450-459.
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Forsyth DM, Duncan RP, Bomford M, Moore G (2004) Climatic suitability, life history traits, introduction effort, and the establishment and spread of introduced mammals in Australia. Conservation Biology 18, 557-569.
Fuller RJ, Gill RMA (2001) Ecological impacts of increasing numbers of deer in British woodland. Forestry 74, 193-199.
Hamilton CA (1981) Rusa Deer in the Royal National Park: diet, dietary overlap with Wallabia bicolor, influence on the vegetation, distribution and movements. MSc thesis, University of Sydney, Sydney.
Keith D, Pellow B (2004) Effects of Javan rusa deer (Cervus timorensis) on native plant species in the Jibbon-Bundeena area, Royal National Park, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW, in press.
Khan JA, Rogers WA, Johnsingh JT, Mathur PK (1994) Tree and shrub mortality and debarking by sambar (Cervus unicolor) in Gir after a drought in Gujurat, India. Biological Conservation 68, 149-154.
Long JL (2003) Introduced mammals of the world. Their history, distribution and influence. CSIRO, Melbourne.
Mark AF, Baylis GTS (1982) Further studies on the impact of deer on Secretary island, Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 5, 67-75.
McShea WJ, Rappole JH (2000) Managing the abundance and diversity of breeding bird populations through manipulation of deer populations. Conservation Biology 14, 1161-1170.
Moriarty A (2004a) The liberation, distribution, abundance and management of wild deer in Australia. Wildlife Research 31, 291-299.
Moriarty A (2004b) 'Wild deer herds in Australia's urban fringe: issues, management and politics. In 'Urban Wildlife more than meets the eye'. (Ed. D Lunney and S Burgin) pp 179-185. (Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: Sydney).
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NPWS (2002) Deer Management Plan for Royal National Park and NPWS Reserves in the Sydney South Region. NPWS and the Royal National Deer Working Group, Sydney.
Opperman JJ, Merenlender AM (2000) Deer herbivory as an ecological constraint to restoration of degraded riparian corridors. Restoration Ecology 8, 41-47.
Rackham O (2003) 'Ancient woodland. Its history, vegetation and uses in England' (2nd edn) (Castlepoint Press: Dalbeattie)
Rambo JL, Faeth SH (1999) Effect of Vertebrate Grazing on Plant and Insect Community Structure. Conservation Biology 13, 1047-1054.
Rooney TP (2001) Deer impacts on forest ecosystems: a North American perspective. Forestry 74, 201-208.
Rooney TP, Wiegman SM, Rogers DA, Waller DM (2004) Biotic impoverishment and homogenisation in unfragmented forest understorey communities. Conservation Biology 18, 787-798.
Stewart AJA (2001) The impact of deer on lowland woodland invertebrates: a review of the evidence and priorities for future research. Forestry 74, 259-270.
Stockwell M (2003) Assessing the levels and potential impacts of browsing by Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) in the upper Yarra catchment, Victoria. BSc(Hons) thesis. Monash University.
Strangeret EE, Shea KL (1998) Effects of deer browsing, fabric mats and tree shelters on Quercus rubra seedlings. Restoration Ecology 6, 29-34.
Veblen TT, Mermoz M, Martin C, Kitzerberger T (1992) Ecological Impacts of Introduced Animals in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina. Conservation Biology 6, 71-83.
Wardle DA, Bardgett RD (2004) Human-induced changes in densities of large herbivorous mammals: consequences for the decomposer subsystem. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2, 145-153.
West P, Saunders G (2003) 'Pest Animal Survey 2003. An analysis of pest animal distribution and abundance across NSW and the ACT.' NSW Department of Agriculture, Orange, NSW.
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Wilson G, Dexter N, O'Brien P, Bomford M (1992) 'Pest animals in Australia - a survey of introduced wild mammals'. (Bureau of Rural Sciences and Kangaroo Press: Sydney).