Broken Hill Complex bioregion

The Broken Hill Complex bioregion is in the arid far west of NSW, spanning the NSW-South Australian border.

Map showing the location of Broken Hill Complex bioregion

Broken Hill Complex bioregion area

  • 5,635,422 hectares in total
  • 3,766,741 hectares in NSW

This bioregion is in the far west of NSW and extends into South Australia. It has a hot, dry climate and is in the NSW arid zone.

The eastern part of the Broken Hill Complex Bioregion falls in the Murray-Darling Basin while the Darling River flows just outside the southeastern boundary of the bioregion. The bioregion includes parts of the Lake Frome, Lake Victoria, Lake Bancannia, Paroo and Darling River catchments.

Only a small area is under conservation management, with national parks and nature reserves making up most of these conservation management areas.

Read the Broken Hill Complex bioregion chapter of 'Bioregions of New South Wales (2003) (PDF 3.4MB) for more information.