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National Parks and Wildlife Service brand guidelines

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) brand guidelines are designed to get you up and running with the promotional or informational visual identity.

The NPWS promotional brand refers to all marketing material produced to communicate with our visitors, such as visitor brochures, promotional posters, consumer websites and merchandising.

The NPWS informational (corporate) brand and templates are used for any informational communications and collateral, including policies, plans of management, conservation and media releases.

The guidelines are a mandatory standard to be used in all promotional and informational material.

They include:

  • appropriate use of brand logo and brand assets
  • photographic style
  • copy tone and manner
  • collateral guidelines and examples.

If you are unsure which brand to use for your communication piece, please contact the Brand and Design Team

Download logos

Please note: Permission is required from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water before the NPWS logo can be used on publishing material. For enquiries about use, please contact the Brand and Design Team.

Downloading files

To download a file, right-click on the file name link and select 'save target/link as'.

File types

  • SVG and PNG files are suitable for use in Microsoft applications and on web pages. SVG files are vector files (not pixel based) and can be enlarged or reduced in size as required.
  • JPG files are suitable for low-cost print and web production.
  • EPS files should be used only by professional designers and staff experienced in using the encapsulated postscript (EPS files) version of logos and sub brands. EPS can be used only with specialist software.


NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service promotional brand guidelines

These guidelines provide essential guidance on the application of the National Parks and Wildlife Service promotional brand and assets.

PDF 17.6MB


NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service informational brand guidelines

These guidelines provide essential guidance on the application of the National Parks and Wildlife Service informational brand and assets.


Contact us

Brand and Design Team

Please consider the environment before printing.