The Glossies in the Mist project
The Glossies in the Mist project aims to save the glossy black-cockatoo in the Great Western Wildlife Corridor. It involves identifying key feeding trees and mapping nesting hollows in the corridor to secure the threatened birds' foraging and breeding habitat.
Because a large portion of the corridor is within private tenure, the project relies on private landowners reporting glossy black-cockatoo sightings, mapping stands of Allocasuarina and assessing feeding and hollow-bearing trees on their properties.
With funding from Saving our Species and Wingecarribee Shire Council's Environment Levy, the project aims to partner with landholders in Bullio, Wombeyan Caves, High Range, Mandemar, Canyonleigh, Belanglo, Paddys River, Wingello, Penrose, Tallong, Marulan and Bungonia areas within the Great Western Wildlife Corridor.
The Great Western Wildlife Corridor – why is it so important?
Located between Bullio and Bungonia, the Great Western Wildlife Corridor is an important landscape connection for the glossy black-cockatoo and the only vegetated habitat corridor between the Southern Blue Mountains and Morton National Park.
Glossy black-cockatoos require corridors of native vegetation with appropriate nesting and feeding habitat to move across the broader landscape, but the Great Western Wildlife Corridor is being increasingly divided into smaller lots and cleared for new housing and infrastructure.