Kangaroo management in New South Wales is determined by the NSW Commercial Kangaroo Harvest Management Plan. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is responsible for the management of kangaroos in accordance with the plan, including licensing all facets of commercial kangaroo harvesting and non-commercial kangaroo culling.
The Kangaroo Management Advisory Panel is appointed to provide guidance on the plan's management activities to ensure kangaroo populations in New South Wales remain ecologically sustainable and that the methods of harvesting kangaroos for commercial use are humane. The panel is selected for a 5-year term. At the end of each term, the Secretary of the department invites interested organisations to nominate for the next Kangaroo Management Advisory Panel.
Organisations are selected to represent key stakeholder groups as required by the management plan. Each organisation is asked to nominate one primary and one alternate representative for the panel. Usually, only one of the representatives attends each meeting. Meetings are usually held twice a year, in October/November and February/March.
Meeting minutes
Minutes of meetings are available once ratified by the panel. Minutes are ratified, or formally approved, at each biannual meeting. The minutes available are those most recently ratified.