Cultural burn planned for West Nowra's Triplarina Nature Reserve

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is supporting a cultural burn planned for Triplarina Nature Reserve starting Monday 17 July.

Controlled Burn by National Parks and Wildlife Service and NSW Rural Fire Service, fire and Rescue NSW. Darren McIntosh.

The 6-hectare burn will be done by Aboriginal fire practitioners from the Nowra Aboriginal community and Firesticks Alliance members over 2 days, with site patrols to follow for a few days.

Traffic management signs will be in place on Yalwal Road and Rannoch Drive, with both potentially being affected by smoke.

Smoke may be visible to residents in West Nowra, and anyone vulnerable to smoke is encouraged to stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed to reduce exposure.

During this cultural burn the undergrowth will be burnt very low and slowly, giving animals time to move away and leaving some patches unburnt.

The burn intends to connect people to Country and to make Country healthy, as well as reducing fuel loads and contributing to the region's hazard reduction activities.

This burn is a continuation of the program started in 2019 that supports and recognises cultural burning as a fundamental way to manage fire in the landscape and connection of people to Country.

All burns around the state are coordinated with the NSW Rural Fire Service to ensure the impact on the community is assessed at a regional level.

People with known health conditions can sign up to receive air quality reports, forecasts and alerts via email or SMS from the Department of Planning and Environment.

For health information relating to smoke from bush fires and hazard reduction burning, visit the NSW Health website or Asthma Australia.

More information on hazard reduction activities is available at NSW Rural Fire Service and the NSW Government Hazards Near Me website and app.