Repairs to Trial Bay foreshore start this week

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) starts works today to restore and protect Trial Bay foreshore in Arakoon National Park.

Artist's impression of proposed works at Trial Bay foreshore showing new ramp, bleachers, shelter and upgraded rock sea wall

Over the past decade, a number of complex landscape and climate-driven processes have led to the erosion or collapse of parts of the foreshore areas.

The works program will ensure safe access to the beach, repair an existing rock seawall and stabilise vegetation on Runaway Creek banks. Additionally, NPWS will install new sandstone steps, bench-style bleachers, a picnic-style shelter and beach ramp access, as shown in the artist’s impression.

All machinery work is planned for between 8 am and 5 pm, with no weekend work unless the project falls behind schedule.

There will be regular truck movements to and from the site to deliver materials such as quarry rock and sandstone blocks. There will be traffic and pedestrian control plans on site, with signage and alternative pedestrian routes. Trucks will operate from Monday to Thursday each week, mainly between 8 am and 4 pm, and will be weather dependent.

Works will start on Tuesday 13 February and finish on 27 June this year.