Mount Canobolas State Conservation Area Plan of Management

Mount Canobolas State Conservation Area is located about 15 kilometres south-west of Orange in the NSW Central West and occupies an area of 1672 hectares.

9 September 2019
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Publication, Plan of management, Final
  • ISBN 978-1-922317-07-0
  • ID EES20190498
  • File PDF 1.1MB
  • Pages 27
  • Name mount-canobolas-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-190498.pdf

The summit of Mount Canobolas provides commanding 270-degree views over the rich agricultural country of the tablelands and slopes of the Central West. The township of Orange can be seen to the north-east, Barton Nature Reserve and Goobang and Nangar national parks to the west, Mullion Range State Conservation Area to the north, Conimbla National Park to the south-west and Winburndale Nature Reserve to the east.

The park lies within the Orange subregion of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion. The bioregion covers the dissected ranges and plateaus of the Great Divide, which are lower than the Australian Alps to the south-west. It extends to the Great Escarpment in the east, to the western slopes of the inland drainage basins to the west and continues south into Victoria.

The park contributes to two major catchments within the Murray-Darling Basin. Rainfall on the western side of the park drains into the Lachlan catchment whereas rainfall on the eastern side of the park drains into the Macquarie-Bogan catchment.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Mount Canobola State Conservation Area Planning Considerations (2019) which is a supporting document that includes detailed information on park values (e.g. threatened species and cultural heritage) and threats to these values.