Newington Nature Reserve hazard reduction burn

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service in conjunction with Fire and Rescue NSW, Rural Fire Service and Sydney Olympic Park Authority is planning a hazard reduction burn for Newington Nature Reserve from Wednesday 6 March, weather permitting.

A young man in protective equipment holding a water hose and observing a low line of fire in the brush beside him

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Area Manager Katie Littlejohn said the 4-hectare burn in Newington Nature Reserve is occurring in early March to take advantage of suitable weather.

'This burn will help protect both natural values of the reserve and the communities surrounding the nature reserve and will reduce the risk of wildfire to surrounding properties.

'The burn is due to begin at about 9 am and motorists along surrounding roads including Hill Road, Holker Road and the Western Motorway near Olympic Park are reminded to beware of potential smoke hazard and drive to conditions.

'Public access to the nature reserve including all tracks and trails remains closed although all normal walking and cycling on adjacent pathways in Olympic Park remain open.

'Smoke from the burn program may be visible in the nature reserve and may also be evident in local communities depending on wind direction.

'We thank our neighbours for their understanding.

'People with asthma or those who are susceptible to respiratory problems are advised to keep clear of the area or stay indoors,' Ms Littlejohn said.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service hazard reduction program for 2024 is focused on essential burns to protect both park neighbours, park and catchment assets and park values.

All burns across New South Wales will continue to be coordinated with the NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue NSW to ensure that the impact on the community, including from smoke, is assessed at a regional level.

Details on specific burns will be made available in advance on the Rural Fire Service website, ‘Hazards Near Me’ app, and on the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service alerts website.

For health information relating to smoke from bush fires and hazard reduction burning, visit NSW Health or the Asthma Australia.

For up-to-date information on these, and other, planned hazard reduction activities, visit the Rural Fire Service.